Tuesday, 3 May 2011

                                                                 No. 80  Lost


  1. Beautiful blending of color and image in this expressive piece June!

  2. Wow all of your work for the 100 themes is AMAZING June!!!! Great "eye" candy!

  3. This is simply amazing, great work....Lu

  4. Brilliant! So magical in tone. Soothing color palette... Love this one!

  5. Me ha encantado leerte. Vengo a tu blog...y me quedaré, mientras mantengas abiertas las puertas.

    Un abrazo.

  6. Gosh I love all you have done on this page June..Especially eyes, the windows of the soul. Crystal Mary xxxx

  7. Hi June, What a great project. I wish I had found it sooner. I love this piece. It has a beautiful ethereal quality. I'm not digitally capable but I really wish I was. Thank you for your visit. penny

  8. oh my gosh this is amazing, I just found you today, what beautiful work, I'm your newest follower.
    My daughter married a fellow who spends his days in a wheel chair, he was injured at a very young age , there seems to be a silent strength that comes from living a life from the chair.
    Your work is beautiful ,

  9. What a beautiful images you make!! I can learn very much from you :-) Thanks for sharing with us! Kisses.

  10. Ops, I'm 42 and I spend all my time in a wheel chair, since I was 10. I think: When God takes away from us some thing in a part of our lives, He gives to us another thing in other part :-) He never take away "everything". Sorry for my bad English. Kisses!

  11. i've just been visiting many of the posts on this blog and i want to say your work is incredibly beautiful! these pieces have such passion and power. you really have a gift. thanks for commenting on my blog as well. i've become a follower to this one so i can check your work from time to time. xo
